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20 ways to clean your house on a budget

Rebecca Bebbington·Feb 6, 2023

With longer days and better weather en route, the time has come to blow the cobwebs off the shelves and treat our home to a Spring Clean.

But before you run off to the closest bargain store to stock up on anti-bacs and bleach – did you know that you probably have all you need for a sparkling home sitting in your cupboards already?

We love to be frugal here at, and now more than ever most of us are looking to cut back where we can, and your cleaning habits are a great place to start!

From denture cleaning tablets and baby shampoo to toothpaste and bicarbonate of soda, most of these household staples can double up as cleaning supplies.

So before you reach for your dusters, take a read through our 20 Cleaning Hacks to achieve a squeaky clean home on a minimal budget.

1) Clean your vases with Denture Tablets

Clean your vases with Denture Tablets

A gorgeous bunch of flowers can brighten up even the most miserable of rooms, but it can leave dirty stains on the bottom and sides of glass vases. To get rid of the stains, simply fill the vase with water and drop in one denture-cleaning tablet. When it’s stopped fizzing, the stains and musty smell will have disappeared. 

2) Alcohol hand gel to get pen off walls

If you’ve got children, chances are you’ve come across pen marks on your walls at some point. Squeeze a little bit of alcohol-based hand gel onto a soft sponge, work it into the pen marks and see them disappear before your eyes.

3) Sugar to remove nail polish

If you spill nail polish on your floor, quickly sprinkle sugar all over it whilst it’s still wet. The sugar will make the nail polish clump so you can sweep or hoover it up off the floor – no scrubbing needed!

4) Hand wash with baby shampoo

Some laundry products, especially delicates like underwear, require you to hand wash them. But instead of shelling out for a box of hand wash powder which you’ll hardly ever use, try using baby shampoo instead. 

5) Use your Hairdryer to clean the radiators

Use your Hairdryer to clean the radiators

Dust and pet hair often collects on top and behind radiators, and this can be hard to reach without dismantling it altogether. Simply blow your hairdryer back and forth on its highest settings to blow out all of the cobwebs, hairs and dirt.

6) Shower squeegee to clean carpet

No matter how much you hoover, the edges and corners of rooms will collect dust where your vacuum cleaner can’t reach, but you can use a cheap shower squeegee to dig it all out. Simply use the end of the squeegee to scrape the dirt out and then pop the dustballs into the bin. You can use the squeegee across carpets more generally, to dig out embedded dust and pet hair.

7) Washing up liquid to clean chrome

Washing up liquid to clean chrome

If you find it impossible to keep the chrome surfaces in your kitchen try using hot water, a non-scratch cloth and washing up liquid. Massage a generous amount of washing up liquid onto the surface and allow it to sit for a few minutes. Then use the warm water and cloth to wipe away.

8) Toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean tiles

Instead of using a bleach-based spray, try toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean the grout on tiles. The fluoride is a much gentler way to remove the stains and leaves the shower and bath sparkling. It’s also great for cleaning around plugholes and taps. A cheap toothpaste will cost you just pennies and you can use your old toothbrushes.

9) Dishwasher tablet to clean baths

Dishwasher tablet to clean baths

A quick and easy way to clean your bath is to fill it with hot water and drop in a dishwasher tablet. The bath is ceramic or plastic, the same as many of your dishes, so it works a treat. After five minutes, rinse thoroughly.

10) Salt and bicarb soda to clean ovens

If you need an abrasive cleaner to remove hardened food on a cooker or baking dish, mix equal quantities of salt and bicarbonate soda. Coat the surface or pan, leave to soak in for a bit and then wash away.

11) Coffee filters to clean windows

You may have heard of using newspapers to clean windows, but this can leave inky smudges. Surprisingly, coffee filters and a little window spray or even clean water work well. This leaves no lint traces and the mesh-like quality of the filter paper catches the dirt without scratching.

12) Swap your cloths for old socks

Swap your cloths for old socks

Cloths can be costly, especially if you’re throwing them and replacing them each time you deep clean your home! If you’re sick of wasting money on new cloths, why not try using an old pair of socks?

Socks can be especially good for cleaning hard to reach spots like your blinds! Simply put the on your hands and dust away. And once you’re done, chuck them in the wash.

13) Invest in… Lemons!

Invest in lemons

Lemons aren’t just great for garnishing your food & drink, they’re also a useful cleaning tool to use around your home! Ever noticed many cleaning chemicals are lemon-scented? That isn’t just a coincidence.

Lemons are fantastic for bringing your stainless steel, copper pans, brass and aluminium appliances back to life! Simply slice it in half, dip it in salt and use it to clean your pans, oven, wooden surfaces, and so much more!

14) Buff surfaces with olive oil

Because of its oily nature, it’s no surprise olive oil works as a great ingredient for buffing up your work surfaces and worktops. Mix together half a cup of olive oil and half a cup of white vinegar, pour it into a spray bottle and reach for this each time you want to give your worktops some extra shine!

15) Remove carpet stains with vodka

Carpet stains

Spilt some wine on the carpet? We all know the gut-wrenching feeling of spilling something on our carpets. Well, that bottle of vodka that’s been tucked away since Christmas could be your saving grace. Simply pout some vodka into a sponge and gently dab the area until the stain lifts! Your stain will be gone in no time.

16) Create your own glass cleaner

There’s no need to spend tons every year on glass cleaner, make your own using vinegar or rubbing alcohol! White distilled vinegar works best and can be bought cheaply for your local bargain store.

Fill a clean spray bottle with equal parts of vinegar and water and that’s it! Your windows, mirror and glass worktops will be gleaming! And as a top tip, use some kitchen roll or newspaper to buff it up for extra shine.

17) Clean your Oven with Baking Soda & Vinegar

Clean your Oven with Baking Soda & Vinegar

Our ovens can get super grubby from time to time, especially if you’re using them daily! Food, fat and grease can build up inside causing a nasty stench. Instead of reaching for your expensive oven cleaner, create your own concoction using baking soda, vinegar and water!

Sprinkle the baking soda liberally on the surfaces which need cleaning the spritz with water or water & vinegar. Let it sit for around 20 mins and wipe your surfaces clean.

18) Steam clean your microwave!

Has your microwave seen better days? Steam cleaning is an effective way to help you wipe it down quickly and all you need is some vinegar!

Fill a bowl with 2 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of vinegar and put it on high for 5 minutes. Let it then sit for a further 3 minutes. All that unwanted gunk and grime should slide straight off!

19) Deodorize your home

Do you spend fortunes of deodorizing sprays to make your home smell nice? Try combining a tablespoon of baking soda with 2-3 drops of your favourite essential oil and water to create your own scent! This is a super easy and affordable way to leave your home smelling beautiful.

20) Create your own stain remover

 Create your own stain remover

There’s nothing worse than staining your favourite top! Perhaps you’re struggling to remove mud stains for the kid’s sportswear? Whatever the issue, instead of buying expensive stain removing products that are unlikely to work, make your own!

Mix 1 part dishwashing liquid with 2 parts hydrogen peroxide and pour the concoction into a dark coloured spray bottle. Use the mixture to spray on to stains and allow it to sit for a couple of minutes before rubbing away.

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