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The Ultimate Guide to Bulk Buying

Lucinda Fox·Sep 1, 2023

If you’re tired of spending a small fortune on your weekly food shop, it’s time to consider the money-saving hack of bulk buying!

1. Look out for Dried Items

Dry foods are the ultimate product to stock up on! They have a long shelf life, meaning you can load up on them when they’re on sale without worrying about them going to waste.

Think pasta, rice, cereal, and coffee beans – all of which are kitchen cupboard staples that go with a variety of meals. So, keep an eye out for those price-crunching offers on dry goods and start building your stash.

2. Check Expiry Dates

While multibuy offers and price reductions can be tempting, always keep an eye on the expiry dates. Sometimes, products are discounted as their expiry dates approach, and whilst this can be a fantastic way to save, it’s only worth it if you’ll be able to use the products before they go bad. If the expiry date is too soon, you might want to pass on the deal and wait for another opportunity, or only purchase the items in small amounts so that you know they won’t be wasted.

3. Track Unit Prices

This is one of the best ways to ensure you are getting your hands on a bargain! Before you commit to purchasing a particular product in bulk, take a moment to calculate the unit price for each product. You can do this by breaking down the total cost by the quantity or weight to determine how much you’re actually paying per unit.

When using this tactic you’ll notice that sometimes a larger package isn’t necessarily the better deal, so always keep your eyes peeled on the price per unit to ensure you are getting the best value for money.

4. Stock up on Household Products

Household products are also great candidates for bulk buying. From toilet paper and kitchen rolls to bin bags, these can be bought in large amounts without the fear of them going bad. After all, no one ever complained about having too much toilet paper!

5. Refrain from Buying Cleaning Products

Cleaning products might seem like a good idea for bulk buying, but beware – they come with expiry dates too. Over time, cleaning products can lose their effectiveness, making your bulk purchase a waste of money. Instead, buy cleaning products as you need them, ensuring that they’ll actually get used up before their effectiveness fades.

6. Ensure You Have Enough Storage Space

Before you start adding item after item to your shopping trolly and getting caught up in the excitement of a good deal, consider your storage space. Bulk buying is only effective if you have room to store everything properly as overcrowding your cupboards could lead to items going bad quickly, which defeats the purpose of saving money.

Writing a shopping list before you head out to the supermarket is a great way to prevent you from accumulating too many products that won’t fit in your home and overspending. Remember, planning is key!

7. Collaborate with Friends and Family

Who said that only individuals can bulk buy? Buying in larger quantities often leads to bigger discounts, but you might not need all that volume for yourself. To combat this, consider teaming up with friends, family members, or neighbours.

 By sharing the costs and products with others, you can all enjoy the benefits of bulk buying without the excess products. Start by coordinating your shopping lists then split the goods and watch as your collective savings multiply.

8. Avoid Bulk Buying Items You Haven’t Tried

If you’ve never tried, don’t buy! It’s easy to get caught up in the excitement of a deal, but purchasing large quantities of a new product can be risky. What if it doesn’t suit your taste or needs? You could end up stuck with lots of a product that you don’t actually like. Stick to bulk-buying items you’re familiar with and know you’ll use, that way waste can be kept to a minimum and you’ll save money in the long run.

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