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Could your career be replaced by AI or Automation? We’ve Asked ChatGPT AI.

John Stirzaker·Feb 10, 2023

USA Watch out – robots are coming for your job!

If you didn’t know already, AI and Automation technology is rapidly advancing, meaning some of our jobs could potentially be at risk!

Yes, you read that right.

Tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney have been making waves in the past few months, and their extraordinary capabilities have sent tech nerds into a frenzy.

Midjourney Prompt: AI & Automation American Jobs Poster – pretty scary right?

ChatGPT can collate information in seconds that would otherwise take hours to gather, while Midjourney can create graphics, audio and video content based on simple text prompts.

Clever, we must admit.

And with driverless vehicles, self-service checkouts and gas stations now the norm, it’s only a matter of time before the robots creep up everywhere.

I mean, who needs a sales assistant when you could use a robot who never takes breaks or asks for a pay rise?

And the scary part is, we’re only scratching the surface of what’s possible.

But let’s keep it real…

AI will never be able to replace the unique perspective and creativity of humans. But by using this technology, that creativity can be taken to all new heights!

Think about AI as a helpful tool to enhance productivity, inspire your creativity and save time & resources.

After all, it’s always better to work with the machines than against them.

So, is your job at risk? We asked AI…

Total American Jobs that could be replaced by AI

Looking at hundreds of careers by sector across the 50 US states, our data has revealed that over 2.5 million careers are likely to be taken over by artificial intelligence in the future, with a staggering 11.3 million at medium risk.

In total, that’s around 55 million jobs which could be replaced by automation, and around 12% or 14 million are likely to be taken over by artificial intelligence.

Total American Jobs that could be replaced by automation

Our data shows a shocking 19.5 million careers are at HIGH risk of being replaced by automation – that’s 16.4% of the USA workforce.

Total American Jobs that will use AI to improve productivity

As we mentioned earlier, we shouldn’t be scared of AI technology. In fact, it can be an incredible tool to increase productivity in the workplace.

Interestingly, 15.7 million job sector roles are likely to use AI to increase productivity. That’s A generous 13.3% of jobs across the United States along with over 34.7 million others who fall into the medium category.

Top 10 Careers at high risk of being replaced by AI

To give you some clarity, we narrowed down the top 10 exact job roles at the highest risk of replacement.

With cashier jobs and customer service representatives already depleting due to self-checkout systems, it’s not hard to see why they’ve secured the top 2 positions.

However, jobs at low risk of being replaced by AI include CEOs, Financial Managers, Specialist Medical Practitioners, School Principals and Senior Police Officers.

Top 10 States where jobs are at the highest risk of being replaced by AI & Automation

According to our data, California has tipped the top spot with almost a quarter of a million jobs at risk of being replaced by AI – closely followed by Texas & New York.

Similarly, California, Texas, Florida, New York & Ohio are all at both high & medium risk of being replaced by Automation. That’s 6.78 million jobs in total at high risk, with a further 12.5 million at medium risk.

And because we’re huge geeks here at NVC, we asked ChatGPT how to build a tool using its own API that would make it possible for you to ask whether your chosen career is at risk from AI. 

Pretty awesome, right?

Pop your job title into the search tool below and find out why it thinks your role is at risk (or not 😊)

Will you be replaced by Artificial Intelligence at work?

Ask our AI generator...

Looking at our data, one thing we can summarise is that with the help of AI tools, the jobs of the future will become easier and new exciting opportunities will arise.

Full Data: Risk of Jobs in the USA Being Replaced by AI


We compiled data for 199 jobs from each state using’s ‘Top 200 Popular Jobs’ for each state 2022′. Following that, we filtered the data finding out the total amount of unique jobs across states & then asked ChatGPT for each job’s relative risk from AI, Automation, and also the likelihood of AI increasing that job’s productivity. Then, we compiled all the data into a comprehensive table featuring every state and also listed the data individually for each state.
Finally, we created sheets for the most insightful findings from the dataset.

Note: Jobs at risk totals refer to jobs that are Medium to High risk.

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