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Expedia Discount Codes & Deals for January 2025

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Save up to 30% at Expedia with 13 working discounts & deals

Last updated 7 hours ago

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Up to 25% off selected Hotels in the Expedia Big January Sale

  • Ends 26/01/25
  • Just added
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Up to 10% off 2025 & 2026 Bookings for Members at Expedia

  • Ends 10/02/25
  • 31 used this week
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Members get up to 25% off Hotels after Booking a Flight at Expedia

  • Ends 30/01/25
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Up to 25% off Last Minute Trips at Expedia

  • Ends 20/01/25
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Up to 15% off selected Unique Stays at Expedia

  • Ends 21/01/25
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Up to 20% off selected London City Breaks at Expedia

  • Ends 21/01/25
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Up to 30% off selected Breaks to Dubai at Expedia

  • Ends 20/01/25
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Cheap Flights to New York from just £291 at Expedia

  • Ends 10/02/25
  • Just added
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Cheap Flights to popular destinations from £117 at Expedia

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    UK Holidays from £240 at Expedia

    • Ends 21/01/25
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    Hot Tub Breaks from just £46 per night at Expedia

    • Ends 21/01/25
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    Edinburgh Holidays from £248 at Expedia

    • Ends 14/03/25
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    Check for the latest discount codes, deals and promotions for 2025 & 2026 on the Expedia website


      Expedia Shopping & Savings Guide

      by Rebecca Bebbington

      With over 6 years experience writing money saving content for NetVoucherCodes, I've developed a real desire to help our users save money. I love hunting down the best deals & discount codes, as well as writing about the most effective ways to save money online.

      Where to enter your Expedia Discount Code

      Where to enter your Expedia Discount Code

      1. Search for an Expedia promo code from us, copy it and head over to their website.
      2. Enter your destination, dates and number of travellers into the search bar or browse through the destination categories to find your ideal getaway.
      3. Once you’ve found it, ‘select and customise’ your stay and when you’re happy click ‘Reserve’.
      4. You’ll then be taken to the booking page. Here, under ‘Price Details’, you’ll see a ‘Use coupon, credit or promotion code’ tab. Click on this and paste your code into the box that appears.
      5. Click ‘Apply’ and watch your savings deduct themselves from your booking total. It’s that easy!

      Expedia FAQs

      Where can I find working Expedia promo codes?

      There are many ways to save money on Expedia, such as using our discount codes and deals here at NetVoucherCodes. We keep our offers up to date and run thorough tests & checks to ensure they deliver the savings they promise. You can also save money by using Expedia's search tools to compare prices and find the best deals.

      Can I use my discount code on any hotel?

      Your discount code will not be eligible on all hotels. Those that are excluded from your code will be listed in the terms and conditions so make sure you read these thoroughly before starting the booking process.

      Does Expedia offer NHS discount?

      Yes! Expedia works with Health Service Discounts to bring NHS staff an exclusive 10% NHS discount. Copy and paste your unique code onto the booking page to save on your next well-deserved break.

      When is the next Expedia sale?

      Expedia offers discounts all year round on selected hotels including up to 50% off last-minute getaways. They also provide seasonal sales especially around Black Friday and January so make sure you keep your eyes peeled on our Expedia deals page for these.

      Can I use my Expedia discount code alongside member prices?

      Yes, Expedia often allows members to add a code alongside their member's discount to save even more on their booking. However, this all depends on the specific code, so make sure you read the T&Cs to be sure.

      Why is my Expedia discount code not working?

      There can be many reasons why a discount code for Expedia doesn’t work. The most common reasons are:-

      1. It may not be valid for the specific holiday or destination you are booking.
      2. The code may only be valid for new customers.
      3. The holiday you are booking may already be discounted or on sale.
      4. The code may have been expired early due to limited availability.

      It’s best to thoroughly read the individual terms and conditions for each code to avoid disappointment.

      If your code still doesn’t work and you’ve checked all the above points, then please contact us via our Contact page and we will try our best to help you.

      I’ve discovered a Expedia voucher code you don’t list, can I share it?

      Yes, you certainly can. Simply click on the submit code button, then follow the instructions. Thanks for sharing with our community!

      About Expedia

      Founded in 1996, Expedia is one of the UK’s leading search tools for booking global flights, accommodation and car hire! Whether you’re looking for a last-minute weekend break at a country cottage or a package deal on a long-haul getaway, Expedia flights and hotels can get you there affordably.

      Working with brands like CheapTickets, Trivago, ebookers and, this trusty booking service provides you with great deals on everything from holiday activities to long-haul flights. With hotels in popular destinations like Amsterdam, New York and Gran Canaria plus affordable transport options and member deals, Expedia is your one-stop shop for all holiday bookings.

      Why we love Expedia

      We love how easy it is to find your perfect getaway at Expedia! On the homepage, you can search for hotels, flights, cars or packages - simply enter your desired destination and dates, and then Expedia will do the searching for you! And if you're not quite sure where your next adventure should be, simply scroll down their homepage for tons of inspiration and handy travel tips. Discover a wide choice of accommodation from cottages and villas to castles and glamping. Explore last-minute weekend deals in the likes of Paris, Amsterdam, Edinburgh and Dublin or check out the Expedia blog for bucket list destinations!

      Whether you’re looking for a hotel, cabin, apartment or villa for business travel or pleasure, Expedia can help you out. You can even list your property and bring in guests for extra cash. As well as being able to tick off all your travel plans in one place, we love how Expedia compares prices to ensure you always get the cheapest deals! And for even further savings on your next booking, grab an Expedia promo code right here for a bonus discount!

      Our top Expedia money saving tips

      Join the Expedia OneKey Program

      By joining the One Key program at Expedia, you unlock exclusive savings on your travel bookings! Members save at least 10% on thousands of hotels worldwide and earn OneKeyCash with every booking, which can be used across Expedia, and Vrbo. We’ve found it’s a great way to stretch your travel budget further, with additional perks like free room upgrades and price drop protection as you move up the membership tiers.

      Last-Minute Weekend Deals

      Each weekend, on the Expedia website, you’ll discover discounts on last-minute weekend deals to popular locations like Paris, Edinburgh, Rome and Manchester. Many of these properties are discounted by up to 50% and also offer reduced members' prices. Pair these savings with an Expedia voucher code and enjoy a spontaneous and affordable weekend break!

      Hotel & Flight Bundles

      Bundle your flight and hotel into a package and save more while planning less! Check out popular package deals or build your own and don’t forget to sign in to collect members' rewards on your package. With packages starting at around £132pp, you are sure to find a great deal on your next holiday.

      More ways to save at Expedia

      Exclusive Discounts

      Students and NHS staff can save extra on their Expedia bookings with exclusive 10% discounts through UNiDAYS, Student Beans and Health Service Discounts. Take advantage of the current on-site savings alongside extra perks like free cancellation and the best price guarantee, plus save an extra 10% with your unique student or NHS code.

      Save up to 20% off when you download the Expedia App

      Fancy making a quick saving on your next booking? Download the FREE Expedia app on your iPhone or Android and explore thousands of accommodations, flights and adventures on-to-go with an exclusive saving. With the Expedia app, not only can you grab yourself up to 20% off selected hotels, but you'll also earn double points! For quick access, scan the QR code on to download the app. Don't forget to check our Expedia page for extra savings too. We keep you up to date with the latest Expedia promo codes, promotions, deals and saving tips!

      Holiday Deals

      Planning your next getaway? Before you go any further, navigate your way to the deals page on Expedia for all their latest discounted accommodation and trips! Here, you'll find their latest promotions including seasonal offers, sale prices and so much more. And if you're a member, this is where you'll spot all of the VIP Access properties on offer.

      Shopping Guides

      Budget friendly beach getaways with Expedia

      When it comes to planning the perfect beach holiday, Expedia is your go-to online destination! Whether you're dreaming of an all-inclusive escape in Spain, a family adventure in Greece or soaking up the sun in the Balearic Islands, Expedia has you covered. They compare prices from tons of big-name travel brands to offer you the best deals, meaning you're guaranteed fantastic rates every time.

      For those in the UK, beach destinations like Jersey and Cornwall are perfect for family-friendly activities and adventures - proving that you don't need to travel far for a summer getaway! If luxury holidays or romantic getaways are more your style, Expedia offers long-haul luxurious adventures to the likes of the Bahamas, the Maldives, or even New York. Plus, members can enjoy additional savings on top of our Expedia discount codes and promotions meaning these dream adventures could be sooner than you think! Whether it's a family trip, a romantic retreat, or a luxury getaway, you'll find what you're looking for with Expedia.